We believe that good things come out of good relationships. We strive to build and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with regulators, First Nations, other consultants, and special interest groups.
We appreciate that the process of commissioning an archaeological assessment can be confusing and frustrating. We are committed to understanding your goals and challenges, and providing you with clear recommendations for your project. If another contractor is a better option for you, we’ll tell you.
Archaeological assessment costs are difficult to accurately predict. Project scopes can change drastically depending on the results of a survey. We commit to open and timely communication, so that you can make the best choices for your project's timelines and budgets. Our estimates and invoices are clear, so you know exactly what you're paying for.
At Core, we recognize that each project has many stakeholders. As consulting archaeologists, we have responsibilities to you, the client, but also to all affected First Nations, and to government regulators. We also play an important stewardship role. At Core, we balance these roles to ensure a positive outcome for all stakeholders.
Archaeology is non-renewable. Once a site is destroyed, it is gone forever. While not every site can be preserved, we focus on avoidance and project redesign where possible, in order to protect sites for future generations and future scientific research.

Brett Watson
Archaeologist and General Manager
With over 20 years of experience in consulting archaeology in four provinces and one territory, Brett is a permit-holding archaeologist in BC's sub-arctic boreal (SAB) and interior plateau (IP) regions. He also has extensive archaeological experience in Central America. Brett has lived and worked in BC since 2014. In his off time, Brett loves hiking, sailing, biking, skiing, SCUBA diving, and virtually anything else that gets him outside, but now spends a lot of time at tea parties.
Email Brett:

Stevie Savage
Archaeologist, Field Director in Training
Stevie is a recent graduate from the University of Calgary Archaeology Program. Entering her second season with Core, Stevie brings her upbeat personality, curiosity, a huge desire to learn, and an oddly anachronistic love and knowledge of classic rock. When she's not on the clock, Stevie can often be found at a writing desk or the climbing gym.
Email Stevie:

Curtis McDonald
Archaeological Technician
Curtis is entering his fifth season working with Core. Master of the patented "J-shaped shovel test", Curtis consistently brings his strong work ethic, insatiable desire to learn, and his ability to make his crew leads feel oh-so-old.
JD Archer
Archaeologist, Field Director in Training
JD is an up and coming Field Director in Training. After completing his Master's degree research at Memorial University in Newfoundland, JD happily returned to his home province, and has taken on a pivotal role within Core, leading crews throughout the East and West Kootenays. JD has a keen interest in geomorphology and how it relates to our study of past cultures, and even started a (slightly nerdy but very interesting) reading group of archaeology-minded people to help keep us all on our toes. In his off-time, JD can be found hiking, learning about obscure sports, or with his nose in a book.
Email JD:

Margie Massier
GIS/Mapping Specialist
Margie is our mapping wizard. With oodles of experience in GIS, data management, and archaeological mapping, and even more patience with us dumb archaeologists who are more comfortable with shovels than ArcGIS, Margie produces maps that are clear, correct, and spot-on with regulatory requirements.
Email Margie:

Aero and Ripley
Aero and Ripley would love to provide help digging, but they haven't proven very effective at maintaining stratigraphic controls. They're charged with maintaining crew morale. Both dogs were rescued by Global Animal Lovers (GALS) in Invermere, and we are extremely glad they found their ways to us.

Resources and Partners
The Branch's site has links to the governing archaeology legislation, as well as useful information for land owners and project proponents.
The BC Association of Professional Archaeologists is the professional standards and accreditation body for consulting archaeologists.
Website of the Shuswap Band, with useful information and contacts.
The website of the Ktunaxa Nation Council (KNC), with useful information and contacts.
GALS is a volunteer-run animal rescue and foster home society based in Invermere, BC.
This accessible and interesting museum is also an official archaeological repository, and has extensive local archives.